
【茶道クラブ  番外編】

【茶道クラブ  番外編】

~ Tea Break ~

Welcome! Hiro Ajiki







マチュピチュやブータンなど世界の各地でお茶会をやったという、左は金のお茶碗“ダイアよりも金っていうのは世界のどの文明いっても大変な価値をもっています。”銘はインカ帝国にちなんで来素去です。 右は佐藤先生がどうしてもと乞われてある方に差し上げたら、その方が亡くなったときに形見分けとともに戻ってきたという、とっても魅力的なブータンの茶碗。一つの茶碗が二つになって帰ってきた、物語になりそうですね。







最後に“何を作るのが得意ですかって?子作りです!”皆で爆笑しましたが、見渡してみればお茶室は先生のステキな子供でいっぱい、みんな先生の手で作られ命を吹き込まれたお道具に囲まれていました。“それでは皆さんバーレム会で会いましょう“”バーレム?“”ハレームって歳でもないし“”・・・“ 終始安食先生の茶目っ気たっぷりのジョークに乗せられて、お茶ってこんなに楽しいものだったのかって改めて感動させられた1日でした。

【茶道クラブ  番外編】(English)

【茶道クラブ  番外編】

~ Tea Break ~

Welcome! Hiro Ajiki



Mr.Hiro Ajiki, the ceramist,came to our tea ceremony school.Although he was’t the host,he still prepared tea for all of us and we were a bit uncomfortable because we were the host and he was the guest.{ Usually we decide on using the tea ceramics by Nonkou and we might not think of Mr Hiro ‘s ceramics, so it made the situation a bit difficult} He self-tortures himself by comparing himself to Nonkou (the biggest name in ceramic industry).He also spoke about what would come to him mind while making a ceramic.


The lid rest is always on, so it’s not visible at all, however, it’s always on the during tea ceremony. It looks like the lid rest is catching on fire by the way it is positioned, it looks brave.The hips are positioned towards the guests, so the front shows some embarrassment, we wonder shall we show the hips or the face? meanwhile, it’s great that a lid can be put horizontally. 


He had a tea ceremony in Machu Picchu, Bhutan,and at every corners of the earth. The left is a gold teacup.He said [Gold is worthier than Diamond even all civilizations in the world think so] The name of the ceramic is Kusuko connected with the Inca Empire. Mrs. Sato gave the ceramic from the above right picture to whoever desired it earnestly, as a souvenir. and then, after she died it came back with her keepsake.It’s a very charming ceramic of Bhutan.The Story is very fascinating. 


{Ican see eyes}{Maybe a ghost on this ceramic.}{・・It’s can’t be・・} {I placed a tea whisk and a cylindrical ceramic during my presentation.but the bamboo has broken.I will make it longer next time.} During his presentation, the other ceramics had little pieces of glass on them.Grass
came from China maybe picked up on the beach, a burnt ground , and patched with glass, while it’s still hot. Some cups have a piece of glass on, these cups are used during moonlight at a tea party. If it rains, we can’t see the moon but it’s Ok because we still can see the moon on our cup. {There are dark teacups and reddish teacups, what do you thing the names of the ceramics are?} {Let me see・・}{Stendhal!} { the red and the black!}I bought it from Amazon soon after I went home. 


Although this tea spoon sits on a lid, if we take it out from the lid, it will fall down inevitably on the tatami.He said {The name is perversity, or we can say that it’s like staying in bed out of spite} Mrs. Sato called it Ramen noodles, stand. {charara-rara}{Musical instruments!} Although it wasn’t Dora’s sound,(the Japanese bell) we can know today’s meal time perfectly. 


At last {What is your favorite thing to make ?a child!} Although it roared with laughters altogether, when overlooking, the tea ceremony room was full of his great “children“ we were surrounded by all his ceramics which was made from his hands and brought into life. {Then ladies and gentleman, we will meet again at a baarem club}{ what is baarem?} {itsn’t a harem because everyone aren’t young.}{・・} It was so pleasant to have such a playful Mr. Ajiki from beginning to end, it was one day to remember for everyone.




~ 如月 ~ 

掛け物 吟松  蓬露 (小堀 政安)
花入れ 古銅龍耳 
花 藪椿 

水差し 京焼 三浦 竹泉 

茶碗 国領作 

茶碗 杉原 祥公 雪笹 丹波焼 

棗 菫(すみれ)に雲雀(ひばり) 溜塗 中棗
井伊宗観好み12ヶ月棗写し 如月 

藤壷 ゆく春の かたみとやさく 藤の花 そをだに後の 色のゆかりに
雲雀 すみれさく ひばりの床に やどかりて 野をなつかしみ くらす春かな


